Sunday, August 28, 2005


خیلی گیجم.انگار همین الان از یک کابوس بیدار شدم و هنوز تو گیجیه اون کابوس هستم.مدتی بود که منتظر امروز بودم ولی فکر نمی کردم که بتونه این همه گیجم کنه.جالب اش اینه که هرچی بیش تر می گذره بیش تر گیج می شم.قبلا فکرمی کردم مشکل از من نیست ولی حالا می فهمم فقط خودم هستم.از خودم وحشت دارم!!!.تمام


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write down Your "fear" on a white paper , and face it . Everybody get Confused . But those who get rid of their Fears , Will Capture the WORLD !! I am lookin for a day , see you have the World in your hands

9:30 AM, August 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

being confused is the most normal feeling for everyone. the difference is that some talk about it and others hide it. when i get confused which is not uncommon, i think of my life in terms of categories and think of each category separately. for example, i think of my health as a category in which i have certain things and lack others. in this easy way, i gain control over my confusion and know that i am in control of my life. then i am not confused any longer. by the way, i firmly believe that confusion, fear, and other feelings are very much related to how we rest, what we eat, and who we are around. it is as important as food and sleep to be around people who love us and care about us.

6:25 AM, October 28, 2005  

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